April 4

[Debate] "Vaccines ARE poisonous and unnecessary"


I saw the above image published on the Global Secular Humanist Facebook page and commented:

Vaccines ARE poisonous and unnecessary

Here’s the debate that ensued:
Says which scientific consensus?
Says the basic ingredients list and common sense, plus many many medical professionals which you could very easily discover through simple google research
Cherry picking Google results can pretty easily find a list of “scientists” who support creationism too….
right, so either way the call to ‘scientific consensus’ is bogus. What’s required is intelligent honest examination of sufficient information to draw a valid conclusion.
so where is the information?
Do you really need me to give you a link? If you’re interested in the subject can you not do your own searches to uncover the poisons used in vaccines? Is it that difficult?
yes provide information or you are just making empty claims
Scientific consensus means majority.
A majority of qualified, publishing researchers. Unless you’ve got a qualification, your opinion is irrelevant.
the claim is not empty at all. I don’t need to detail the evidence, nor does a majority equate to validity. The point is that you would all find the answers for yourselves if you was able to look past politically-manipulated ‘general mass consensus’
I’m fascinated by a) your apparent total ignorance of what’s happening in the world and b) your apparent gullibility and blind faith in higher external authority.
I suspect both a and b go hand in hand… because you prefer your cosy pseudo-scientific rationalization of the status quo, rather than having the balls to accept self-responsibility for the fraud’s you accept.
Mainstream is so average. And unfortunately today’s average is sooooo narrow minded.
I could list page after page after page of evidence regarding the poisons of vaccines. but spoon feeding you will not help you.
Peer reviewed published and accepted papers?
If you had any of those the scientific consensus would be on your side….
What evidence would it take to convince you that medical technology was safe? Mmm?
The political fraud inherent in the medical industry voids the assumed validity of their so-called scientific research. Again, just investigate it.
I already have sufficient evidence that medical technology such as vaccines is not safe, so to convince me all you need to do is give me a lobotomy and I’ll believe anything you want me to
And like I said, I’m not going to do your homework specifically about vaccines as poisons, but I’ll give you this link with a quote from the former Editor-in-Chief at the New England Journal of Medicine regarding so-called scientific consensus: http://ethicalnag.org/2009/11/09/nejm-editor/
NEJM editor: “No longer possible to believe much of clinical research published”
Can you sense your own personal inner state of total abject ignorance?
Does that partial realization make you even the slightest bit sick to your stomach?
Do you still think you’re serving a humanist agenda by blindly supporting the higher external authority of the medical establishment?
Is The Global Secular Humanist Movement not an organization of individual enquiry and integrity?
So am I to take it that you will never ever change your mind of vaccination technologies?
No you’re not to take it as such. Technology advances. But I do believe vaccination theory is fundamentally flawed, but that’s not the question here.
And you’re not answering any of my questions, or showing that you’re doing the research on vaccine poisons.


health, vaccines

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